By Wayne Camp

  It is obvious that God has always regarded blood, blood of both human

and beast, as precious. Certainly, not as precious as the blood of Jesus

Christ, but precious, never the less.

  When Cain killed Abel, God said to Cain, the voice of thy brother's

blood crieth unto me from the ground. God had regarded with favor the

sacrifice of Abel because it was a blood sacrifice; he had rejected the

sacrifice of Cain because it was not a blood sacrifice. And because Cain

killed Able, God said to Cain, "Now art thou cursed from the earth,

which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from they



God showed his high regard for blood again when he commanded that men

are not to eat blood which is the life of the flesh, and when he

required the death sentence for any who shed another's blood

intentionally. Gen. 9:4-6 "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the

blood thereof, shall ye not eat. And surely your blood of your lives

will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the

hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life

of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for

in the image of God made he man."


God's estimation of blood and its preciousness is seen again in the land

of Egypt. He did not deliver Israel by the power of the plague of frogs.

He delivered them by the blood of the Passover lamb. "And they shall

take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper

door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. And the blood shall

be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the

blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to

destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. For the LORD will pass

through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the

lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and

will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you."

 (Ex. 12:12-13, 23)


The preciousness of blood in the sight of God is again set forth by

Solomon when he declares that God hates "hands that shed innocent blood"

 (Prov. 6:17).


The preciousness of blood is seen again in the book of Revelation. "For

they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given

them blood to drink; for they are worthy" (REV 16:6). "And I saw the

woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the

martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration"

 (Rev. 17:6). "And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of

saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth" (Rev. 18:24). "For

true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great

whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath

avenged the blood of his servants at her hand" (Rev. 19:2).


Many other things could be cited to show the importance God attaches to

blood, even the blood of beasts. But, super abounding above the blood of

beasts, the blood of man, the blood of the most godly saint, is the

blood of the man Christ Jesus.


Though it was human blood, it was infinitely precious blood. Now let us



We could not possibly enumerate all the reasons in one message. In fact,

I am convinced that we will learn much more about the preciousness of

the blood of Christ as God unfolds the riches of his grace throughout

the eternal ages.




Jesus was truly God and also truly man. I like the way Spurgeon put it.

"Jesus is God; but Jesus was born, Jesus lived, Jesus died, Jesus rose

again, Jesus is in heaven, as a man. He is God and man in one person,

but there is no confusion of natures; he is neither a deified man nor a

humanized God. His Godhead is altogether Godhead, and his manhood

altogether manhood. He is as truly man as if he were not God, and as

truly God as if he had never assumed the nature of man" (Metropolitan

Tabernacle Pulpit, Vol. 22, P. 290). Because of the union of the Divine

nature with the human nature in the one person, the God-man, his blood

is precious. In fact, everything about Jesus Christ is precious to the

believer. Peter stated it clearly and pointedly when he said, "Unto you

therefore which believe he is precious" (I Pet. 2:7).


The human face from which they plucked his beard is precious. Can you

see the precious face of our Saviour after the soldiers so cruelly

slapped and spit in his face. They also pulled his beard out of his

skin. Such humiliation and pain he suffered on our behalf. That face was

a human face, but it was and is a precious face. What a thrill and

blessing it will be to one day look upon and into that precious face!


The human hands and feet through which the nails were driven are very

precious. When Thomas was doubting and unbelieving concerning the

resurrection of Christ, Jesus appeared in his presence and invited him

to touch those scars. When he did, Thomas fell down before him and

cried, "My Lord, and my God." One day, when he returns in all his glory,

the elect remnant of the nation of Israel will look upon him and "one

shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall

answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends"

 (Zech. 13:6). In that day, his wounded hands will become precious to

those whose forefathers were behind their being wounded. To those who

believe, his nail-scarred human hands and feet are now precious.


The very bones of Jesus must be precious to us also. When they lifted up

his cross and dropped it into the socket on the rocky brow of Golgotha,

all his bones came out of joint. This was just another aspect of his

suffering for us, and every pain he experienced was because of our sins.


He gave his back to the smiters. They beat him and pulverized his back,

but it is with his stripes that we are healed. His back is precious.

Though it was a human back, it was the back of the God man, and it is



The human head that was crowned with thorns is precious. He wore a crown

of thorns that we might wear incorruptible crowns. Imagine the pain of

being crowned with thorns! That should make his head precious to every



His human soul was made an offering for sin. During the three hours of

darkness, Jesus was not being further abused by man. He was in the hands

of an offended God, not because of his own offenses, but for ours. God,

clothed the world in darkness and the very soul of Christ was offered up

for our sins. That human soul is exceedingly precious.


And, though it was human blood, the blood of Christ is extremely

precious because without its being shed there would be no true remission

of sins for the elect. Oh, precious is that fountain that was opened for

sin and uncleanness. The precious blood of the Lamb of God is what

redeems us from all iniquity.


The union of Deity and humanity in Christ elevated everything about his

human nature and his manhood. He is the eternal glorious Word made flesh

and tabernacling among us (Jn. 1:14). He is the express image of the

person of God (Heb. 1:3). He is the fulness of the Godhead bodily (Col.

2:9). He is God manifest in the flesh (I Tim. 3:16). He is God blessed

forever coming to the earth in human flesh, bones and blood (Rom. 5:9).

He is the son of David who is also declared to be the Son of God (Rom.

1:3-4). He is God the Son, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father,

taking upon him the form and likeness of man in order to taste death for

men (Phil. 2:5-8). He is the man Christ Jesus who alone is able to serve

as mediator between God and man (I Tim. 2:5). He is the Son of God sent

forth and made of a woman, made under the law (Gal. 4:4). He is the

miraculously conceived, virgin born son of Mary and the only begotten

Son of God (Isa. 7:14; Jn. 3:16). He is God's Son sent in the likeness

of sinful flesh (Rom. 8:3). He is Jesus Christ come in the flesh (I Jn.

4:2-3; II Jn. 7). And, let it be born in mind that he who denies the

full and complete humanity of Christ does so under the influence of the

spirit of Anti-christ.


Who is this man called Jesus? He is Lord of the angels who is

temporarily made a little lower than the angels so that he could taste

death for every man of his elect company. Angels do not die because they

are not physical beings with flesh and blood. God, if he would taste

death, must become a man with flesh and blood, in order to die. He is

our great Goel, our kinsman redeemer, partaking of our flesh and blood

so that he might bring us to glory and deliver us from the fear of death

(Heb. 2:10-17). He is the man Christ Jesus whose very person is so

precious that when he died on the cross the most amazing thing to ever

accompany a man's death happened. The veil of the temple was rent in

twain from top to bottom, the earth quaked and the rocks were shattered

in pieces, graves were opened and the bodies of sleeping saints arose.

Those hardened soldiers who had plucked off his beard and smote his face

and gambled for his garments, exclaimed, "Truly this was the Son of

God." (Mat. 27:51-52).


No wonder his blood is precious; he is eternal God but dying the death

of man, for he is truly man.




It has been the one single means of redemption since the foundation of

the world. If his blood had been like the blood of the sacrificial

animals, Paul says, "then must he often have suffered since the

foundation of the world" (Heb. 9:26). If, as some teach, salvation was

by some other means before the cross why the necessity of Christ

suffering often since the foundation of the world? The clear implication

is that redemption and remission of sins have always been by the blood o

f Jesus Christ. If he must repeatedly shed his blood, as animals were

repeatedly sacrificed, then he must have come and died often. But, by

his one sacrifice he was able to end all sacrifices and put away sin

forever. Such precious blood! It was powerful to redeem long before he

actually shed it on Calvary. He is the lamb slain from the foundation of

the world (Rev. 13:8).


The blood, the precious blood of Christ is the blood of the Lamb of God

who was verily foreordained before the foundation of the world. And, his

success in redeeming those given to him by the Father was so certain

that all their names were written in the Lamb's book of life from the

foundation of the world, or from eternity (Rev. 17:8). Before he had

ever taken on himself our likeness, our flesh and our blood, God looked

upon that human blood as so precious and of such power that he would

inscribe the names of his people in a book from which no name has ever

been erased, the Lamb's book of life written from the foundation of the



The blood of Christ is precious to every believer and will be even more

precious when we sing of it in that vast multitude in heaven. For every

last saint of God, ever single child of grace, every single human

inhabitant of heaven, except Christ, shall sing the praises of Christ

who has redeemed us to God by his blood out of every kingdom, tribe, and

nation (Rev. 5:8). His blood is so precious that it will still occupy

our tongues in song in the eternal ages. Praise be to God who gave his

Son to made in the likeness of sinful flesh that he might redeem us by

his blood.




It is the blood that makes atonement for the soul, according to Lev.

17:11. Apart from blood there is no remission of sins (Heb. 9:22). I may

make many sacrifices, I may mortify my body and give it to be burned, I

may be baptized and join the church, I may receive the blessing of the

pope, and say a thousand "Hail Mary's" per day, I may constantly pray on

my knees until they have calluses like the knees of a camel, I may speak

in the tongues of men and angels, I may read the Bible through and

through many times, I might teach and work and prophesy in the name of

Jesus, but I can never come before God in peace, until I come on the

grounds of the blood, the precious blood of Jesus Christ.




O, the purging power of the blood! "Though your sins be as scarlet, they

shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall

be as wool." That is the promise of God (Isa. 1:18). What possesses such

purging power? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. It can purge the

conscience from dead works and equip us to serve the living God (Heb.

9:14). It is able to cleanse us from all sin, be they ever so bad and

the stain so deep. Even if your sin is "written with a pen of iron, and

with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of your heart"

 (Jer. 17:1), the blood of Christ can remove every trace of it by it's

mighty power to purge.


Yes, dear reader, a fountain has been opened that purges from all sin

and all uncleanness (Zech. 13:1). The believer may assuredly confess

that he has washed us from our sins in his own blood and made us whiter

than snow (Rev. 1:5).




It is the blood of the everlasting covenant (Heb. 13:1). To qualify for

such a wonderful designation, it must have the power to preserve those

whom it washes. It is the blood by which Jesus Christ obtained eternal

redemption for his people (Heb. 9:12). What kind of redemption, Paul?

That apostle and saint said, "Eternal redemption." A lesser redemption

would be beneath the infinite dignity and worth of the blood of Jesus

Christ. But Paul tells us more. He tells us that by his one offering

Christ has perfected forever them that are sanctified. PERFECTED

FOREVER? YES! PERFECTED FOREVER! Beloved people of God, that is long

enough to be perfected. FOREVER! Is that not long enough. ETERNALLY

REDEEMED AND PERFECTED FOREVER by the one offering of the blood of our

dear Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.




By using the term "pleading power" I do not want to imply that Christ or

his blood must be constantly pleading with God to forgive sinners. He

loved us with an everlasting love and sent Christ to shed his blood so

Christ does not have to beg the Father to forgive his own chosen ones.


The blood of slain Able cried out to God from the ground. It called for

vengeance and justice. But, the blood of Christ cries out from the

ground of Golgotha's brow for the salvation of every one of the sheep

(Jn. 10:11-18). It stands as witness of redemption accomplished. It

stands as a seal of atonement made. It is evidence of reconciliation



The Father loves to grant the plea of his Son's blood and give salvation

to all for whom he laid down his life and shed his blood. And the Father

loves him because he shed that blood and laid down his life for his

sheep (Jn. 10:17). His blood does not cry for vengeance, as did the

blood of Abel. His blood speaks of much, much better

things--justification, expiation, reconciliation, sanctification,

salvation, and glorification. God heard the voice of the blood of Able;

he hears, yes, he hears the sweet voice of the blood of his Son.


His blood not only speaks to God, it speaks to sinners. I recall those

days before my conversion when God was preparing my heart to answer his

call to salvation. Some of the sermons I remember most vividly were

sermons on the blood, the precious, cleansing, preserving blood of Jesus





When God looked upon the sufferings of his Son on the cross as he poured

out his soul and his blood for sinners, he was satisfied, propitiated

(Isa. 53:10-11). The propitiating benefits of the precious blood of

Christ are applied to the sinner when he trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ

and his precious blood for his salvation. God has set forth Jesus Christ

"to be a propitiation through faith in his blood" (Rom. 3:25).




"And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of

Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication: and they shall look

upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one

mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one

that is in bitterness for his firstborn" (Zech. 12:10). The following

verses reveal that this mourning spreads to the remnant of the tribes of

the nation of Israel. It is prophetic of a future time when God shall

save a remnant of the nation of Israel.


But, what triggered this mourning? Of course, our first answer to this

question must deal with the matter from the Divine side. They mourned as

a result of God pouring upon them the spirit of grace and of

supplication. In any true repentance, God first moves and then the

sinner moves.


The second answer is that the mourning was triggered when they looked

upon Christ whom they pierced. This piercing resulted in the shedding of

his blood. That is why their hearts were melted. Two reasons: the spirit

of grace and supplication was poured upon them and they looked upon the

pierced Christ.


Allow me a personal note. Among the sermons that I remember in the days

shortly preceding my own conversion, are sermons on the blood of Christ.

A well-meaning friend, upon learning that I had surrendered to preach,

offered me some advice. He said, "First, don't preach over 20 minutes.

Second, don't preach hell fire and brimstone. Third, don't preach a

'butcher shop' religion." By the last he meant that I should not preach

on the blood of Christ. Needless to say I have not taken any one of the

three points of advice. God blessed the preaching of his Son's precious

blood as the means for cleansing from sin. The shed blood of Christ has

a melting effect on sinners upon whom God has poured his spirit of grace

and supplication.




God is one who justifies the guilty. What a marvelous blessing that God

would justify sinful, guilty, condemned sinners. The question arises,

"What is the grounds for this justification?"


Let me remind all that God is absolutely just and will not prostitute

his justice nor sully his holiness in order to justify the ungodly.

There must be a payment of the sin debt if he is to justify and deal

with sinful men as though they had not sinned. The ground of our

justification is the shed blood of Jesus Christ and all that is implied

in its shedding. "Being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved

from wrath through him" (Rom. 5:9).




Satan was defeated at the cross. Oh, he thought that he had won a

victory when he bruised the heel of Jesus Christ. He thought he would

finally succeed in his ages long struggle against the plan and purpose

of God. Had he known the mystery of God he would not have crucified the

Lord of glory. 1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a

mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world

unto our glory. But, that which he meant for evil, God meant for good.


God's people overcome Satan, and they do it and will continue to do it,

by the blood of Jesus Christ. "And they overcame him by the blood of the

Lamb, and by the word of their testimony" (Rev. 12:11). The precious

blood of Christ has overcoming power.




At one time all the Gentiles were cut off from the covenants of promise,

being aliens and strangers to these blessings (Eph. 2:11-12). In our

minds and hearts we are still enemies to these blessings and to the God

from whom these blessings flow (Rom. 8:7- 8). The precious blood of

Christ has slain the enmity, it has torn down the wall of alienation,

and we are made nigh by that blood (Eph. 2:13-16). Through Christ, his

finished work, his precious blood we now have access to God and his

grace (Eph. 2:17-18). We can, therefore, come boldly to the throne of

grace when we come on the grounds of the precious blood of Jesus Christ.




We have hardly scratched the surface of our subject. We can joyfully

sing of the precious flow which makes us white as snow, the precious

blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. We, the children, were partakers of

flesh and blood, therefore, our great God and Saviour, in infinite

condescension, came down and was clothed in flesh and blood that he

might taste death in our behalf. God, made flesh, and tabernacling among

men! Such a marvel of grace. And, such precious blood that he shed for

our sins.


Is he precious to you? Is his blood precious to you. Have you trusted

him as your Saviour and Lord? Can you trust him? Will you trust him? By

faith plunge into this flood that washes white as snow.


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